Our AML Policy

Anti Money Laundering Policies

The policies relating to this section are part of the Business Policies adopted by PV Gems and PV Gems (Hong Kong) Ltd. is presented below for reference:

PV Gems and PV Gems (Hong Kong) Ltd. Shall implement this policy and conduct annual review of this policy. Train its employees on the implementation of this policy regularly.

  • PV Gems and PV Gems (Hong Kong) Ltd. Shall always conduct its business sales and purchase activity of diamonds and Gemstone through banking channel and third-party payments and illegitimate transaction for Diamonds and Gemstones sales and purchase are strictly prohibited.
  • PV Gems and PV Gems (Hong Kong) Ltd. recognizes the fact that entities in the Gems and jewelry sector have to take on the onus of analyzing their potential vulnerabilities to Anti Money Laundering and implement specific steps that are required for protection against abuse by criminals.
  • Strict compliance is required at all times, with all applicable national and, where appropriate, international laws / regulations with respect to Anti Money Laundering, terrorism financing, bribery, corruption, smuggling, embezzlement, fraud, racketeering, transfer pricing and tax evasion.
  • PV Gems and PV Gems (Hong Kong) Ltd. shall act in accordance with national laws and national / international accounting standards with respect to maintaining financial accounts of all business transactions and auditing of its financial accounts.
  • PV Gems and PV Gems (Hong Kong) Ltd. ensures that concerned employees know and understand the relevant regulatory jurisdiction for national and international transactions, Anti Money Laundering / financial offences related legal, regulatory and internal requirements as they apply to their jobs. Ignoring or not reporting suspicious activity that appears to be questionable may also be considered as a violation of the Business Policies, depending on the seriousness of the non-conformance.
  • PV Gems and PV Gems (Hong Kong) Ltd. implements a “Know your Customer” and “Know your Supplier” procedure that establishes the identity of all organizations with which it deals, have a clear understanding of their business relationships and have a reasonable ability to identify and react to transaction patterns appearing out of the ordinary or suspicious.